The vineyard of the Damien Dumez Champagne House in Sacy near Reims
At the heart of the designation area “Montagne de Reims” (Reims Mountain), the vineyard of the Damien Dumez Champagne House is located in the villages of Sacy, Chamery, Ecueil, Sermiers and Villedommange.
The vine needs sustained attention and work throughout the whole year. If the final result essentially depends on Mother Nature, meticulous work is essential to obtain quality grape.
Our work in the vineyard: from the pruning to the harvest
- pruning
- binding
- pricking out
- wire lifting
- trellising
- trimming
The harvest means the end of the work in the vineyard. It is only done manually. The grapes are swiftly brought to the pressing center. The press turns the grapes into juice. The cellar work can then begin.

For more information about the cuvees, the prices and the visit of the estate,
contact us by phone (+33 3 26 49 26 45) or (+33 6 16 29 42 59) or by email.